Anyone can become a shareholder in the Chelmer Blackwater Reserve Community Interest Company. To do so the sum of £5 can be paid directly into The Chelmer Blackwater Account No. 49715534 Sort Code 60 13 37 (or by one of the alternative payment methods below), sending an e-mail to the Company Secretary at stating your name and address. A share certificate will be forwarded to you once your payment and details have been processed.
These shares have no financial value to the shareholder. The Chelmer Blackwater Reserve Community Interest Company (CBR) is “asset-locked”, which means that its property cannot be disposed of for a profit other than for reinvestment in the project or by donating it to a suitable charity. The articles expressly provide that no dividends will be paid on the shares. In the unlikely event that CBR ever made a profit surplus to its requirements, the members will hold a general meeting to vote on paying them to a charity. The articles also expressly provide that none of the directors are entitled to payment for their work as directors.
You take on no obligations by becoming a shareholder but you will be invited to attend general meetings to discuss the progress of the project and to vote on various issues. You will also be invited to participate in other events and receive occasional newsletters.
All donations, whether small or large are gratefully received. Donations can be made in the same way as making payment to become a shareholder: The Chelmer Blackwater Account No. 49715534 Sort Code 60 13 37 (or by one of the alternative payment methods below). Please then email our Treasurer at advising when you made the payment and the amount, together with your name and address.
Although the Company Treasurer prefers to receive payment via the company account, above, payment of shares and donations can be made via Paypal at To use this, go to this link:
Your privacy is important to us, please review our privacy notice for further information.